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Gray day around the lake. |
Sunday, June 23: RestMonday, June 24: Rest
Tuesday, June 25: Maintenance Run
Time: 33:29
Average Pace: 14:39 min / mile
Summary: I decided to try and make the most of the summer and try and run as much as possible outside while it is nice enough to do so. With this in mind, I decided to do another work from home day on Tuesday so I can then run in the morning before starting my day. I did a nice run around the small lake near by which was a nice change of pace.
Wednesday, June 26: Rest
Thursday, June 27: Maintenance Run
Where: Outside
Distance: 2.45 miles
Time: 35:03
Average Pace: 14:18 min / mile
Summary: Tuesday's run around the lake was so nice, I decided to do it twice. I decided to run my Thursday around around the lake as well. I like to run counterclockwise around the lake, because everyone else seems to go clockwise. Some people will say good morning and smile, others won't even look you in the eye when you pass them. The weather was nice again, though a little gray.
Friday, June 28: Rest
Saturday, June 29: Distance Run w/ Magic Mile
Where: Outside
Distance: 1.86 miles
Time: 26:48
Average Pace: 14:24 min / mile
Magic Mile: 11:31 min
Summary: This week, Week 11 on the Jeff Galloway "To Finish in the Upright Position" WDW Half Marathon Training Plan called for 4 miles with a Magic Mile (MM). This was my first MM. The idea behind the MM is you run all out for the mile and the time helps predict the time you can expect to finish the half marathon in, with the run-walk-run method. The goal time is 12:15 to finish in 3:30 for the marathon, which is the time limit. Using the factor of 1.3 gives you the expected fastest pace, which then gives you a total time. My first MM gives me an fastest pace of 14:58 min / mile. That's not as good of a pace as am hoping for, but it was my first one. My MM did not go as well as I might have hoped. The plan is you are to warm up then run the mile. You're supposed to do it on a track, so it is level and accurately measures. I was in New Jersey, so I just ran down the road (not level) and used my phone to measure (pretty accurate but within trees). During my run, about 2/3 of the way through, the inside of my right thigh started to get tight. It didn't hurt but was tight. I pushed through the rest of the mile, but by the end, I had a very weird gate. It ended up causing my left ankle to hurt by the end of the mile because of the way I was running. After that, I decided I would call it early, without finishing my 4 miles to avoid further straining anything. I walked back to the house, giving me the 1.86 miles. It wasn't ideal, but I keep hearing "trust your body" on blogs and Team runDisney so I did just that.
Thoughts on the Week
In the end, I felt the week was pretty good for running. I could have done a better job eating. I ate ok on lunches and dinners, but was not great on the snack side of things. In addition, we were in NJ for a birthday party, so I had picnic food and cake. This coming week may not be the best either. With the combination of my anniversary and holiday, I'm sure I won't eat great, but I'm going to try and not go too overboard. I do feel that all things considered, it can be allowed for the week. Afterwards, I'm going to try and be much stricter and accountable on my eating.
How was your week? What are your plans for training around the upcoming holiday?