First week in a new month, a new page. Trying hard to keep improving and keep on track. I think this first week in September was a pretty good start. My running stayed energized and felt good this week. I put in some good distance this week, including a long run on Saturday. The was week 1 of my 2 off weeks before the start of the new training plan that will lead all the way into WDW Half.
Weekly Total:
Miles: 16.11 miles
Time: 3:42:31
Sunday, September 1: Rest
Monday, September 2: Rest
Tuesday, September 3: Maintenance Run
Where: Outside
Distance: 3.11 miles
Time: 41:16
Average Pace: 13:16 min / mile
Summary: I felt really good out running on Tuesday. I decided to go a push for 3.1 miles again and have another 5K maintenance run. I was energized and pushed a good pace for myself without really needing to try. I was not far over a 13 minute split just going out and running. It gave me some good confidence.
Wednesday, September 4: Rest
Thursday, September 5: Maintenance Run
Where: Outside
Distance: 4.00 miles
Time: 50:54
Average Pace: 12:41 min / mile
Summary: Thursday ended up being another great evening run. I started out feeling ok. I wasn't overly motivated or unmotivated, just ok. As I started running, it felt good and I decided to try and go for a full 45 minutes. As I was running, I was covering good ground, enjoying the cooler temperature, enjoying my music, enjoying my run. When I reached the point about where I should turn around timewise, I saw I was nearing 2 miles. I decided, why not, let's make it 4. I pushed my run out to the next stop light that put me at 1.95 miles, turned around, knowing I'd get 4 miles in to get home. In the end, I turned in a really great split and put in 4 miles. Ok, yes, I cheated and went a little over my 45 minutes on the plan, but so worth it.
Friday, September 6: Rest
Saturday, September 7: Distance Run
Where: Outside
Distance: 9.00 miles
Time: 2:10:21
Average Pace: 14:28 min / mile
Mornin' George. |
Summary: For the first of the 2 off weeks, I scheduled myself a 5 mile run. With having such a good week, I thought of pushing for longer. There was also some guilt of missing my long 13 mile run 2 weeks ago playing into it. I set out to get at least 5 miles in, but geared up with my water belt and some
GU Gels in prep to run longer.
On a side note, I recently picked up a couple different flavors from PRR. The espresso and peanut butter flavors... awesome. At first my legs felt a little tight but loosened up. Before I new it, I reached George Mason University. I felt great. I was trying to take a slower pace, knowing if I was going to run longer, the pace from my week day runs wouldn't be sustainable for me at this point. After the first mile at 14:27, my app stopped giving me my splits every mile. It was a good / bad situation. Good, because kept me from overanalyzing, bad, because I wanted to know and would end up trying to do some close math to figure out my average anyway. I looped half the campus, then decided to cut through campus to go by the George Mason statue instead of continuing to loop around it. I learned my mental map of campus is not quite as good as I thought, which my split times will concur with. In the end, I made it back home and with a little hook around stopped at 9 miles. The crazy part? I wasn't too tired either. Sure, my legs were a little tired, but they didn't feel like dead weight or anything. Other than the bottoms of my feet a little, not sore either. I hooked off at this point though so I could grab a quick shower and catch up with the wife and daughter at her gym class, to check out a new place we were trying. The main downside to the run? Missed out on bagels with my wife and
Dopey Dave.
This week was much more positive than the last. I forgot to weigh in until Sunday, but I dropped almost 2 pounds, getting back what I gained the previous week. I ate pretty healthy, cutting back on some of the less healthy stuff I was fitting into my points. Just because it fit into the points doesn't mean I should always have it. I need to make more of those right choices. It is still ok once and a while, just not as often as I've allowed it. This week will be a little more of a challenge, however, because I will be on a work trip which means eating out more often. I just need to convince myself of more of the healthier options than those that are not to come out not too damaged.
Thoughts on the Week
Training went well. Eating went well. Sleep... could use some improvement. The week, and especially the weekend, were busy but good. I hope the energized running feeling will continue to last. I'm hoping I just found that sweet spot of enjoying running. I know it can't always be there, but I hope that becomes the rule, not the exception.