Mar 26, 2013

Gym: Day 2

I'm back filling some gym posts right now. I want to try and write them the day of, but, since I had the idea after I already had gone to the gym and I don't have a Delorean, I'm writing this now. My second day at the gym was Wednesday, March 20.


Running Shoes
Not my actual running shoes.
My second day at the gym had some nice improvement. I ran on an elliptical again. I took a better pace this time around, which really helped. I didn't jump fast at the beginning, but did take a pretty quick pace overall, comparatively. I ran farther in barely more time. So I'm happy with that. I actually was going to go for longer, but the back of my leg got a little tight, so I didn't want to push it too much and mess up this early on in working out.


Time: 33 mins
Distance: 4.5 miles
Average Speed: 8.2 mph


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