Jul 3, 2015

The 3rd of July | #FridayFive

I know this week's topic is 4th of July, but I'd like to deviate from that a little bit. Why is that? Well, because today is not the fourth but the third of July, which is in fact a very important day. Five years ago today, I was the luckiest man, and got to marry my beautiful wife. Sappy sentence aside, I'd like to look at that instead. So here is the not 4th of July.

The 4th 3rd of July

1. The Wedding

We had a beautiful wedding ceremony at the church where my wife grew up in New Jersey. It is a great church, which had plenty of room for both of our large families and friends. There is an absolutely amazing organ as well (sorry, my music geek is showing) and well as some pretty stained glass in the back. There was nothing like seeing her walk down that aisle to me.

2. The Party

After the wedding of course comes the party, and we had quite a party. We had a cocktail hour with appetizers (that were fantastic), followed by dinner, and of course, an open bar. The food was great, the music pumping, people dancing, and only one fire. It was such an amazing time with everyone. We would actually keep hearing at weddings after this with our group of friends house great ours was, so that's always a good sign.

3. The Honeymoon

My wife and I want to travel so many places around the world together. We both love to travel and have many of the same locations on our travel lists. However, for the honeymoon, there was no real discussion needed for where we were going. Actually, it pretty much went like "We're going there for the honeymoon, right? Yeah? Good." That's right, we went to Walt Disney World. It doesn't matter how many times we've both been there before, it was the only choice. We flew down on the 4th, checked into our room at the Polynesian Resort, with of course the theme park view, and ordered in room service to enjoy the view, the spectacular fourth of July fireworks (which you can incidentally watch live stream of Saturday at 9pm, FYI), and each other's company. Of course the next day, we put on our wedding Mickey ears and hit the parks hard! You get treated so very extra special in the parks in your honeymoon that I can't help but recommend it, if your considering it. We had amazing meals, memorable magic, and a trip to never be forgotten or matched.

4. The Kids

Fast forward through the next five years and you'll find the births of two of the most precious little people to me, my daughter and son. My wife and I have made so many memories over there past five years, but we also made to amazing children. They're smart, inquisitive, and maybe a little mischievous, but I wouldn't trade then for anything. They are my world.

5. The Next 50 Years

I look forward to all the things to still come. There is so much we'll do, so much we'll experience, that I'll just need to always do my best to take it all in. They'll be so many more ups, and I'm sure some downs, but every moment with my wife is a previous one. They all matter. That's why I look forward to the next 50 years (and bring) together.

To quote (and add to) Buzz Lightyear, "to infinity, and beyond" (with you!)

Linking Up

Check here for some links out to others sharing, staring with our three lovely hosts: CourtneyCynthia and Mar. Check their posts (Eat Pray Run DC, You Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run to see the full set of links). I will add some others, usually randomly, as I read them to share the love. Go visit and keep reading!

Our hosts:

Eat, Pray, Run DC

You Signed Up for What?!

Mar on the Run


  1. Happy Anniversary! Looks like you had a great wedding and I see how fun it would be to honeymoon at Disney World!

    1. Thanks. We had a fantastic time. It's perfect for us in general as a travel destination but they treat you so well that it can be fun for a lot of people. If you just liked fine dining, you could lounge by the awesome pools at the hotels and just go out to eat and have a great time.

  2. O what a special post. Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I hope you had a wonderful anniversary! Beautiful pictures!

    1. Thanks. It was fun to write and share. We had a good time.

  3. so sweet. i love this. happy anniversary!!!

  4. Hi! Love your swag! Also a VA/DC/Jersey girl, and this week I'm in your VivoFit challenge group. Had a feeling when I saw your picture that you had something to say, and I was right. Go get 'em.

  5. I loved reading your take on the 3rd of July! It sounds like such a fun tradition. I completely agree that celebrating with family and friends is what makes it special. By the way, if anyone is planning a summer event or wedding, I recently found some gorgeous arrangements from charlotteweddingflowers. Their blooms would definitely add a festive touch to any celebration. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
