Oct 15, 2014

Anyone Want to Run from some Zombies?

Anyone up for a zombie themed obstacle course in northern Virginia? I hadn't planned on running this particular 5K, but then a funny thing happened. We were buying all the My Little Pony based necessities for a certain 3 year old's birthday party at Party City. Those purchases went over some magical threshold and the cashier asked "Would you like a free ticket for the Blood and Guts Zombie Run?" I didn't know if I could do it, but free is free, and I figured if not I could pass it along to a friend.

Blood and Guts Run

It turns out the race is in two Saturdays from now on October 25th, which happens to be free on my calendar. Sweet, so who can I get to run with me? First thing I did was check the online registration but noticed it is $79?! For a 5K obstacle course?! Well, guess I'm doing it alone. No, wait, to the internets! Look what we have here, Groupon for just $39. That's more reasonable.

The race is in Bull Run Regional Park in Centreville and looks to follow the same layout for an ice cream obstacle course I did there previously, which means nice and easy route. I have at least one friend interested, but we haven't picked a time yet. I will update this when we actually register. So if you're interested, grab the groupon and come join me for a little zombie theme fun and running. There's even a finisher's medal. Yep, zombie bling.

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