Oct 20, 2014

Disney Parks Moms Panel Round 2 | Mickey Monday

Welcome back to another edition of the Mickey Monday linkup: the linkup centering around a love for Disney, sharing that love and connecting with others. I hope this linkup will become a great place to turn to for Disney content each week and help all the bloggers participating out by helping readers find that great mouse-eared content. I'm co-hosting with Katie from Adventures by Katie, so of course check her blog out.

This week I'm providing an update to a previous Mickey Monday post. This week I'll be talking about...

Disney Parks Moms Panel Round 2

I previously wrote a post about the Disney Parks Moms Panel for Mickey Monday. Every year, they accept applications to join the panel, which goes through several rounds. When I last wrote, I had just submitted my round 1 application. The process for reviewing the large number of applications takes quite a long while. This Friday, the emails for the result of Round 1 was released. I received this...

That's right, I made it to Round 2!!!! I'm so excited! I'm nervous but excited. Tomorrow I'll find out what Round 2 holds, which will be followed by a second waiting game, but today, I'm all smiles.

Want to know more about the Disney Parks Moms Panel? Check out my previous Mickey Monday post or go to the official site.

Onto the Linkup

Here are the guidelines:

The post just needs to be about anything Disney related. There have been posts on runDisney, on the parks and even on the Moms Panel, so just give it some Disney and count it.

New posts are fantastic, but for now, if you have a great old post you want to share, drop it on in.

Try to visit as many of the posts that you can as time allows. The point of this is to share and support each other.

If you're going to be a regular, please link back to the host posts. It's just good etiquette and frankly, that's how others will get to your fellow Disney lovers content. Without that link back, they can't find the linkup and therefore the other blogs. Help me help you.

Have fun. Be a kid. Enjoy.


  1. Wow! Congrats! I have been hearing all about this Moms panel but don't really know what it is all about. I guess I should go read your other posts! Do they know that you're not really a mom? ( Don't worry, I wont tell....lol) Congrats I hope you make it to round 3!

    1. Thanks. Definitely go read the other post (self-plug) but the general overview is it's an official Disney site you can go to with questions to get answers from real people. They have an application process with several rounds (4 this year instead of the normal 3) to select normal Moms (and Dads ;-p ) to serve on the panel and answer questions about Disney (which I love doing anyway).
