Dec 19, 2014

Team Nuun

This lead up to Christmas has been full of great news and gifts. I have some additional exciting news to share with all of you. I've been selected to be a member of Team Nuun.

What is Team Nuun?

One of my favorite products that you'll always see me posting and tweeting about is Nuun Hydration. It's a product I never go without. I like it so much, it was one of my items for my 1K Giveaway, where I gave away some of my favorite things. Nuun Hydration is small tablets that you drop into water and it not only gives it flavor, but adds in just what your body needs to rehydrate: a fast-absorbing electrolyte blend. They do so without adding any sugar, high-fructose corn syrup or artificial colors or flavors. That makes for a great hydration solution, without feeling heavy. Light like water, but tastier and more beneficial. It's more than water. I always have it ready for after a workout, run, race and even a tube on my desk at work.

Nuun has their own ambassador program, to promote and support Nuun. In addition, they have a "competitive athletic team" called Team Nuun. I've been selected to be a member of that team. How cool is that? I was actually selected for a team! When I applied to be an ambassador, I had hoped to get to represent a product I love. I already share my love of the product through #nuunlove and just through sharing what it is. I never thought I'd be selected to be a part of a team like this. I'm so excited.

So this means, really, you'll be seeing more of the same. I already love this product and share that love, so you'll continue to see that. I'll be sporting their swag and product at races now, but I already always have it on hand for after the race anyway. What it will mean for you is I'll be on the inside track to find out what's new and I'll be passing that onto you. I'm sure it will even include some giveaways as we go along to spread the #nuunlove. I'm sure there will be more to it as well. I'm currently diving down in deep and getting to know the members of my team and the program so I can share with all of you.

This is really shaping up to be an exciting year and I'm looking to make the most out of it.


  1. Congrats! My sister was accepted as an ambassador as well!

    1. Thanks. I saw that on Twitter. Very cool. I look forward to seeing what I get to do.
