Today is Good Friday. While not all observe it, or may even know what it is, we can all agree good is good, right? Well, this week's
Friday Five linkup topic is all about that. Small good acts, large good acts, all matter. Doing a little good in the world keeps the human spirit alive. For this post, I'm going to throw out some things you can do for that. I understand some of these can fall under "I'm not they're mother, I'm not cleaning up after them" but they're just varying suggestions. The heart of this is to have your heart in it. Find your own way. This week's topic is
Five Good Turns
1. Hold a Door
We'll start small. Hold a door open for someone. I don't mean when you're the first in a line of people stop to hold the door, though that's good too. I mean stop and hold the door for someone in a situation where it will require you to hold up for a second for them. Pause and wait for them to get there and hold the door. Slow down from the rush for someone else.
2. Help Someone Who Needs It
It happens, you see the person struggling to carry their box with two bags and a ball on top. Offer to help them carry their stuff. You see the person who just dropped everything all over the floor? Take a moment and help them gather it all up. If you can see that they need help, go give them some.
3. Pick Up that Trash
This one can easily be applied to running but also anywhere. We all see it, all the garbage down the road way, mess on the sidewalk, maybe even mess by the trashcan at work. Do everyone a little favor and pick that cup up. Use, cleaning up the streets, you should consider gloves and I understand you also don't want to carry a discarded McDonald's cup for 20 miles, but you get the point that I make. That paper towel that didn't make it into the trashcan? You can pick that up, can't you.
4. Spread Good Words
This one falls under the "things you hear on the internet". The person you just left a small note to a stranger saying they appreciated something they did, or to tell them they're a good person and to have a good day. How nice would it be to get one of those sometimes? Just to have a little note that reminded you "You're a good person. Make it a great day." Why not be that person that leaves that note? Yeah, this is a comfort zone one, but I did say "varying suggestions".
5. Help a Runner Out
This IS a running related blog so I had to put one for the runners. Help another runner out. Take you're old but still usable running shoes to your local running store. I will bet you that they have a way to donate them to others. They don't have to be your $120 running shoes either. They can be your $30 trainers you didn't buy specifically for your 10 mile training runs. Or how about donating to a running friend raising money with the miles they're running for a charity? There is plenty of that going around that goes to some pretty great causes. It's on my list to do it for a future race of mine as well.
Or how about helping a runner make their
dream come true? Ok, this one is less idea and more concrete. I have a friend who qualified for the Duathlon World Championships by placing 15th overall at Nationals. She's also undefeated in NJ since 2013. She deserves to be there. However, Worlds is in Australia, so she needs help to make the dream happen. You can
go read her story, I can vouch it's true. If you feel like giving, consider giving some to her. Even a couple of dollars can add up. Go help Tiff, and make her
Dream Come True.
I really like this week's topic, because I am an Eagle Scout. The slogan of the Boy Scouts is "Do a Good Turn Daily." This is where this week's title comes from. It's something important to remember. The Boy Scout Handbook explains how their are big Good Turns, but also many are simply "small, thoughtful acts" I really like the way the also say it in the Handbook "A Good Turn is more than simple good manners. It is a special act of kindness." I challenge you to go out and do your Good Turn today. If you like it, do it daily.
Linking Up
Check here for some links out to others sharing, staring with our three lovely hosts:
Cynthia and
Mar. Check their posts (Eat Pray Run DC, You Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run to see the full set of links). I will add some others, usually randomly, as I read them to share the love. Go visit and keep reading!
Our hosts:
You Signed Up for What?!
Mar on the Run
Eat, Pray, Run DC
Some other good reads, pulled from the link up:
Fairytales and Fitness - Five Good Things Runners Enjoy
Gretch Runs - Five Happy Things
Running with Diapers - Five Good Food Practices