Feb 1, 2014

Jeff Galloway Launching Something New?

Jeff Galloway
I wanted to share a tidbit of information, for anyone out there a fan of Jeff Galloway or his Run Walk Run Method. I recently received and email from his mailing list announcing he is having a launch party on February 6. It's an open invitation, with little details, beyond the following snippet
Join Jeff Galloway with an exciting announcement for the running community
What is this exciting announcement? I don't know. But if you're in the Atlanta area, you can RSVP to attend to info@jeffgalloway.com. The time is set for 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm EST. Not in the Atlanta area (such as myself)? You can join in on the festivities with a Google+ Hangout on Air live at 6:45pm. I hope to check in and see what it's all about.

Image credit: Disney Parks blog


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